ON POINT - June 2010

June 4th Friday Night Liberty - New Exhibits & Open Studios

Explore, wander and enjoy the NTC Promenade Arts & Cultural District at the monthly Friday Night Liberty open studios and galleries on Friday, June 4 starting at 5pm. Featured events include Ellen Dieter’s paintings in Brushes With Life at the Martha Pace Swift Gallery; Shadow Shifting - a collection of prints by Loretta Kramer at Sophie’s Gallery; and Emerging Artists of San Diego from the Losina Art Center in the NAM Gallery. For a full listing go to the NTC Promenade Friday Night Liberty page.

NTC Hero John Finn Dies at 100

Lt. John W. Finn (bio), former Naval Training Center San Diego Recruit, the oldest living Medal of Honor recipient and a legend in military circles, died May 27 at the age of 100 at the Chula Vista Veterans Home. Finn trained at NTC in 1926 (three years after the base opened). He was stationed at Kaneohe Bay Naval Air Station on Dec. 7, 1941 when he found himself firing at Japanese planes from an exposed position at Pearl Harbor for more than two hours despite being hit 21 times by bomb and bullet fragments. In recent years he made several visits to the NTC Promenade and Liberty Station. A plaza is dedicated as a tribute to John and his wife Alice at Dewey and Truxtun Roads in Liberty Station.

Your Employees Need Love

Why not show harried employees some love? There are studies that demonstrate that it pays to have fun with your employees. And that increases effectiveness!

The current economy has taken its toll on employee morale as overworked and nervous Picnic in South Promenadeemployees worry about the safety of their jobs. Other studies show that this has resulted in more workplace injuries, more sick days, lower morale – all of which further impact productivity.

NTC Promenade has suggestions for how you can reduce some of that employee stress by showing some appreciation and having some fun:

  1. Book an employee picnic in one of our private grassy areas – everyone is equal in shorts and t-shirts and can relax and have fun.
  2. Book an appreciation dinner with rewards thrown in for good measure. Our Event Center has been the location of choice for several major San Diego employers to recognize their stars.
  3. Book a training session in our executive conference center (NTC Command Center) on topics related to work or stress reduction.
  4. Book a teambuilding afternoon indoors or outdoors.
  5. Book a holiday party to exchange merriment – and by booking in November or January you can avoid adding to December craziness.

Any and all of these will show your employees that you appreciate them, give you opportunities to have fun together, and enjoy the historical beauty and economy of The Venues of NTC Promenade.

For more information, call one of our wonderful Event Sales Managers at (619) 573-9260.

Free Museums for Active Military This Summer

More than 700 museums across America will offer free admission to military personnel and their families now until Labor Day through a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and Blue Star Families. The complete list of participating museums in San Diego and the nation is at www.arts.gov.

To The Point ...

June 2-26 San Diego Watercolor Society “It’s Only Natural” Exhibit
The San Diego Watercolor Society (SDWS) proudly presents an exhibit of original watermedia paintings entitled “It’s Only Natural”. Approximately 95 paintings created by SDWS members are on display and for sale. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. The SDWS gallery is located at 2825 Dewey Road, San Diego, 92106. For more information call (619) 876.4550 or www.sdws.org.

June 4 Friday Night Liberty
Explore the NTC Promenade Arts & Cultural District and enjoy a FREE evening of art, music, food, drink and exhibits, while supporting local artists and designers. Starting at 5 p.m. Located at 2640 Historic Decatur Road, San Diego, 92106. For more information call (619) 573-9260 or visit www.ntcpromenade.com/what.php.

June 6, 13, 20, 27 Point Loma Certified Farmers Market & Artisan Fair
Stock up on your gift, food and produce needs, and make it a weekly tradition. Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (rain or shine) in the barracks parking lot across from Ace Hardware. For more information or an application to participate, contact the market manager, Brian Beevers, at http://www.sdmarketmanager.com or [email protected].

June 8, 15, 22, 29 North Chapel Open House
The North Chapel at Liberty Station monthly open houses, Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located at 2881 Roosevelt Dr., San Diego, 92106. For more information please visit http://www.thenorthchapel.com.

June 10, 12, 13 Malashock Dance with Yale Strom: Chagall
John Malashock’s evocative choreography touches the heart and awakens the senses. Yale Strom is a masterful composer of Eastern European folk music of the soul. This program features a short concert by Yale Strom and Hot P’Stromi, followed by an encore performance of Strom/Malashock’s popular Tribes. In a world premiere, Strom and Malashock will then present three sections of their dance/musical, Chagall, an evocative telling of the artist’s changing loves and styles. Producing Partner: Jordan Ressler Charitable Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. Dates/Times are: June 10, Thursday at 7:30 p.m.; June 12, Saturday at 8:45 p.m.; June 13, Sunday @ 7:30 p.m. at Lyceum Space, 324 Horton Plaza, San Diego, 92101, (619) 544-1000. Tickets: $25/Students: $15. For more information and to purchase tickets please visit the website: http://www.sdrep.org/extpage3.aspx.

Through July 25 Three Voices: Art Quilts by Katherine K. Allen, Valerie Goodwin and Kent Williams
Three unique approaches to contemporary art quilts by artists from across the United States. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Suggested donation is $5. The Visions Art Quilt Gallery is located at 2825 Dewey Road, Suite 100, San Diego, 92106. For more information call 619-546-4872 or www.quiltvisions.org.

Be sure to check the NTC Promenade online calendar for all the happenings scheduled.

Please consider making a gift to the NTC Foundation to help us translate the community’s vision for NTC Promenade into a new Arts and Cultural District that will increase the quality of life for all San Diegans.  Donate now!

For information about lease space in the NTC Promenade, contact Leasing Specialist Sean Giffin at [email protected] or 619 573-9304.