Art and Exhibits in Public Places

at NTC at Liberty Station as of May 2014


Archimage by Jeffery Laundeslager

"Archimage" by Jeffery Laundeslager
Next to Dance Place,
2650 Truxtun Rd.
Curated by Betsy Lane Art
Open 7 Days

Jeffery Laudenslager lives in Encinitas, CA, but his work is all over the U.S. and the world—England, Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, and others. Jeffery’s graceful kinetic pieces have been described as visual tai-chi. His work is in many private collections as well as numerous public sites, including the Laguna Art Museum, The Woodlands in Texas, and the Wolfstein Sculpture Parks at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and Encinitas. The piece is for sale through Betsy Lane Art at 619-997-7491 or with proceeds supporting the NTC Foundation.


Ascend and Mother by Robert Michael Jones
Outside Barracks 14
2770 Historic Decatur Road
San Diego, CA 92106

History and mythology are fascinating. History shows the patterns that humans tend to live by and mythology has the imbedded principle that these stories teach us what it means to be human. The complexities of human nature shape the identity of my work.
My work bonds the struggles of the existential individual with the heroic. The figures feel the immense pressures of an unforgiving world but they are not helpless. They surge with power and fluidity. The characters have intentions, desires, expectations, and fears. The ‘Incompleteness’ of the forms show that their stories are ongoing as their pasts and futures stretch out before you.
Each sculpture is an invitation to explore the character and unravel the layers of ideas, emotions, and energy that has gone into creating each story.

Sol Searching by Alber De Matteis

Sol Searching” by Alber De Matteis
Next to Building 176, 2590 Truxtun Road
Curated by Betsy Lane Art
Open 7 Days

Alber De Matteis was born in Paris, France in 1957. His Art speaks of the spiritual connection that unites all forms of life. Alber's Sculptures and Public Art Projects are enjoyed in private collections as well as public spaces around the World. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Chilean Artist M. Luna - De Matteis. The piece is for sale through Betsy Lane Art at 619-997-7491 or with proceeds supporting the NTC Foundation.


Located in the Lobby Gallery of Building 201
2820 Roosevelt Road
Now through Mid December 2014
Open 7 Days

Naval Training Center San Diego was the first Navy training school for Mess Management and was recognized for “Outstanding Large Mess Ashore.” See original recipes that fed thousands, sample menus and learn why the best time of a sailor’s day was Chow Time!

Sybil Stockdale at James Stockdale Exhibit


Vice Admiral James Stockdale and Sybil Stockdale Tribute
NTC Command Center, 2640 Historic Decatur Road
Ongoing - Open 7 Days

Exhibit about the POW experience in Vietnam and the story about two of America’s greatest heroes of the period.
Admission: Free

Barracks 19 Exhibit

“The Life of a Naval Training Center Recruit” Exhibit
Barracks 19, 2690 Historic Decatur Road
Open 7 Days

An exhibit in an historic barracks building – now housing artist studios - that tells the story of the life of an NTC recruit from the time they stepped off the bus to graduation from bootcamp 12 weeks later.
Admission: Free

Pt. Loma Legacy Logo

Point Loma Legacy Exhibit
NTC Command Center,
2640 Historic Decatur Road
Ongoing - Open 7 Days
An exhibit telling the story of Point Loma and its role as the Gateway to San Diego.
Admission: Free