
�Eat.Drink.Read.� Literacy Fundraiser

A culinary event benefiting The San Diego Council for Literacy, come join noted San Diego chefs as they draw inspiration from their favorite books to create one-of-a-kind dishes for the at the second annual fundraiser event,�Eat.Drink.Read. Admission $60 includes wine, beer, and appetizers.�All funds support the educational efforts of the San Diego Council on Literacy and will help teach more than 450,000 San Diegans how to read.�Event will be from 5:30-8pm with silent auction from 6-7:30pm at the McMillin Event Center, 2875 Dewey Road at Liberty Station. For more information and to purchase tickets, reference the website at�

Wednesday, 16 May, 2012
05:30 PM - 07:30 PM



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McMillin Companies Event Center
2875 Dewey
San Diego, CA 92106 USA

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