
Business of Being an Artist Bravo School of Art

Instructor Lauren Becker Downey.

This informative workshop offers valuable ideas about the business side of being a professional artist. Learn how to become a legitimate business, how to organize your paperwork regarding income, expense deductions and taxes, and how to present yourself to the world without appearing to be a flaky artist. Discussions will cover resumes, creating a good portfolio, marketing, how to approach a gallery and get your work accepted to art shows, and much more. This is the class they didn't teach you in Art School.

Thursday, July 26 �� 6 - 9 pm

Thursday, 26 July, 2012
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

$50 Bravo member / $56 non-member


Location:  Map   Weather  
Bravo School of Art
2690 Historic Decatur Rd, Studio 206
San Diego, CA 92106 USA

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Event Contact Info
Lauren Becker Downey
Email: Phone: 619-223-0058
Website: Click to Visit
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