
Public Reception for Santa Fe Style: Capturing the images of Native American faces and designs used by the early native peoples

Diana Gries, a self-taught artist is consistently drawn to the culture, beauty and rhythm of Native America. Adopted by the Sioux, she has a deep love for Native American culture and spirituality. Diana pursued a career in healthcare as a registered nurse for many years until she was inspired to move to Santa Fe, New Mexico. There she was able to pursue her real passion in life � capturing the beautiful images of Native American faces and the artistic designs used by the early native peoples.

Join St. Madeleine Sophie's Center for Wine, Hors d'oeuvres and live music by The San Diego Flute Circle.

Friday, 06 July, 2012
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM



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Sophie's Gallery & Gift Shop NTC
2825 Dewey Road, Gallery 101
San Diego, CA 92106

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Event Contact Info
Diane Gries
Email: Phone: 619-442-5129
Website: Click to Visit
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