
Mosaic: Glass on Glass 2 weeks at Bravo School of Art

Instructor Lauren Becker Downey. More mosaic fun! In this exciting 2-part workshop, learn how to cut stained glass and combine it with mosaic techniques to produce fabulous light gathering objects of art. Use of colorful glass, (rather than traditional tile, dishes or smalti) is what makes this workshop a unique experience! Materials list provided upon registration. Wednesdays, March 2 & 23 10am - 1pm

Wednesday, 02 March, 2016

$91 Bravo member / $103 non-member


Location: Map Weather

Bravo School of Art

2690 Historic Decauter Rd
Studio 206
San Diego, CA 92106

Event Contact Info

Lauren Becker Downey
Phone: 619-223-0058
Website: Click to Visit

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