
Oil Painting Techniques 3 weeks at Bravo School of Art

�Instructor Bronle Crosby.

All the basics for people who want to give oil painting a try. Learn where to begin and how to proceed. Explore composition, design, color mixing and how to get the subject onto canvas. Set up your palette and work station, and practice how to paint safely, move past your fears and get paint where you want it. You will be given loads of information to help you decide if oil painting is for you, plus hands-on help to get going. Paint from the still life or from reference material of your own. Materials list given upon registration. Some materials will be provided. Class will not meet March 11.

Friday, March 4, 18 & 25 1 - 4pm

Friday, 04 March, 2016

$142 Member / $160 non-member


Location: Map Weather

Bravo School of Art

2690 Historic Decatur Rd.
Studio 206
San Diego, CA 92106

Event Contact Info

Lauren Becker Downey
Phone: 619-223-0058
Website: Click to Visit

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