
Drawing Is Seeing 3 weeks at Bravo School of Art

Instructor Bronle Crosby.

Learning to draw accurately is the most useful tool in the artist's tool bag. Once you can draw, you are free to "undraw"--manipulate as you please to create your vision. Drawing trains the eye, helps you to see like an artist. This introductory class will help you begin that process, to see shapes in space, relationships, values, line and form. The step-by-step approach will build from what you already know, so beginners are welcome. You gotta start somewhere-start here! Materials list given upon registration. Class will not meet March 11.

Friday, March 4, 18 & 25 9am - 12pm

Friday, 04 March, 2016

$117 Member / $135 non-member


Location: Map Weather

Bravo School of Art

2690 Historic Decatur Rd.
Studio 206
San Diego, CA 92106

Event Contact Info

Lauren Becker Downey
Phone: 619-223-0058
Website: Click to Visit

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